Real estate in Zambia is way different from what we know. As I had mentioned, their population density is 17 compared to our own (Nigeria) 226 persons/sqkm. This makes land very affordable, added to the fact that they are not criminals and so will not be hyping and selling lands at ridiculous prices. Value seems tied to what can be done with the land as against its location. So, you purchase and create value off it. A pricelist of lands of various locations and sizes tells the story better. Note: $1 = ZMW 16 (Zambia redenominated its currency in 2013, removing 3 zeros).

The rich men here strut their stuff in a different way. Go far away from the main city – which they ridiculously (as non-Nigerians) consider to be noisy – buy acres of land, fence it off, build a house in a corner, then introduce all sorts of wild animals to roam and live on the property.
Well, one of them built a structure for Airbnb purposes, Sakae Paradise Resort, and we went visiting. No need listing the animals. Just peep the images. As it was the peak of the dry season, they supplemented their feeding at a feeding ground. They gather here around 4pm and so the vicinity tour happens at such an hour. The animals are made to bend and feed from a trough which has a solution for bugs/insect treatment set before it.

While a senior resident giraffe roamed, 3 more had just been purchased from Namibia and being prepared for introduction into the open grounds. There are levels to these things. Iji ihe? Ijighi ihe oh.
A guest used the opportunity to propose to his girl. Luckily for me, I am married already. Say no to tensioning. The girl an American, visited Zambia 3 years ago and never went back. To japa or not to japa? Keep on jotting fins down.
And yes, it was time to leave. The big Ethiopian birdie was back for us. Good time we had. Good people we met. No man, no cry.

Zikomo Zambia!!!
